Rotor Breathes New Life Into 19th Century Water Wheel
A local museum was given an old water wheel, built originally in 1860 for a timbersaw mill in the Yorkshire Dales. The water wheel was given as a gift and has been present at the museum since 1972.
Rotor were contacted by the museum as the water wheel had recently stopped working. The museum wanted to look at modifying the whole operation of the wheel and upgrading the system to current standards. Rotor engineers established that there was a fault on the main drive motor on the wheel. It was removed from site and taken back to the workshop to be assessed and refurbished.
The customer also requested that Rotor manufactured and installed a replacement control system, incorporating a coin-operated system for the wheel. This would allow the visitors of the museum to observe the running of the wheel in the Motive Power Gallery, whilst at the same time raising much needed revenue for the museum.