- Available in cast iron or stainless steel: A choice of rotor and stator materials
- A high pressure pump: Eliminating the need for a series of pumps when pumping over long distances or with high head requirements
- Available in standard geometry or extended pitch
- Gentle pumping action minimises shear and crush damage
- Inspection cover; Available for applications where rag content is a problem
- The pump can be supplied with a square inlet and conveyor to assist viscous slurries into the pumping element
- Low running speeds: ideal for abrasive applications
- Pumps can be supplied to comply with the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
Typical applications include
- Domestic and industrial effluents
- Hydrated lime slurry
- Sludge
- Shear sensitive latex emulsion
- Milk curds, sauces, fruit juices
- Industrial chemicals and detergents
- Starch slurries
- Coating clays, gypsum and silicate
- Paper stocks
- Agricultural slurries